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Thai Red Curry

Used up the patty pan squash and spinach from my veggie box. This is the type of recipe where you’re supposed to mix Thai curry paste – that you’ve either prepared yourself, or, like I did tonight, spooned out of a jar – with canned coconut milk to make the sauce, then add meat or fish or vegetables. I always think the sauce is too thin, and I like to saute the meat or vegetable, rather than simmering, boiling really, in the sauce. This recipe called for sweet potato and tofu and spinach. Since sweet potato is sweeter than the patty pan that I was using, I browned tofu, like this tofu topping (minus the scallions). I dumped the tofu out of the skillet, cooked the onion and the patty pan, and dumped those out, too. I mixed coconut milk, Thai curry paste, and some veggie broth in the skillet for the sauce, and then I let that mixture boil down til it reduced and thickened. I put in one spoonful of the peanut butter and melted it, and then added the veggies back to the pan. Last addition was about half a pound of spinach, stemmed and cleaned. When that was wilted, voila, dinner – over rice.

Thai curry

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