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Sunday bloody Sunday

What a day. Got up and made the Boomerangs, a.k.a Rose’s Crescents. That went well, although I think they’re a touch on the large side. Pictures are in the prior post.

But things kind of went downhill from there. I was going to walk downtown and get my work laptop. I thought I’d need it the morning so I could go meet with a tax preparer, and proceed on to a 10:30 meeting, at which I thought I’d need the laptop. But I’m still not adjusted to being a one car family – Mark needed the car to take fluff cat to the vet for her checkup, and since it’s easier to reschedule the tax guy than the cat. I did.

John was trying to write a paper, and generally freaking out about grad school.  I was trying to help him; provide enough moral support via text & email to convince him that dropping out of school when he only had like 5 pages to write and two classes to go to, was not the best choice.

And it started snowing pretty hard.

Toni needed to be driven out to the Alliant Center for an AFS event, and we were supposed to pick up another student too, who lives farther west. OK, fine but we have the beater Toyota with bad tires and bad brakes.

Mark came to the rescue and did all the driving. I kept on baking – made the almond-jam-caramel bars – those are fine. But then I tried to make linzer thumbprints. I made them last year using a Dorie Greenspan recipe for hazelnut sables that I thought was too nutty. Hazelnuts can be bitter. So this year I tried the Rose Levy Berenbaum’s linzer crust recipe. They went totally flat. I baked two trays then patted the rest of the dough into an 8×8 pan and made linzer bars. Next year I will have to unearth my own linzer crust recipe – it’s less short, less butter to flour – and see if it works.

I made two kinds of biscotti – the almond hazelnut I’ve been making since like 1989, when I was in library school, and an anise variety. Both of the biscotti loaves kind of went plifift in the oven, too, like the linzer ones. So I ended up with long skinny biscotti.

Toni helped me frost the ginger creams, so that went fast. And come to think of it, their picture (naked, how risque) is in the last post, too.

I thought I might bake Mark’s mom’s ginger cookies, too, but I didn’t have the strength. And oh yea, somewhere in there we shovled snow, and ate dessert – reject cookies, ice cream, and some of the last pumpkin mousse from Thanksgiving – only a week ago.


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