…into a little ball, and close my eyes. Preferably with cats, and snuggly blankets. Today was one of those days. It was uneventful, for me anyways. Mark had to get up at oh my god in the morning and drive to the train into Chicago for a job interview. But I got to stay in […]
I took Friday off because I had had two days in the prior week when I worked until 9:00 PM (even though I did work at home on Monday). On Wednesday I had to chair a pretty important meeting. On Thursday morning, I hoped to finish all the emails I had to send to place […]
Back in the winter of 2010-2011, I was having pain in my left foot and went to see a physical therapist for a few sessions. It was hurting really badly when I was walking around in Pittsburgh while I was at the 2010 Dublin Core meeting. The therapist told me that it was a good […]
We had a Passover dinner on Friday night, the 5th night of Passover, and good Friday. Like lots of other Jews, apparently, we chose the night for convenience rather than tradition, although I did do a little looking to see if we could go to a seder at a restaurant in Chicago on Monday. The […]
So behind …. Last time I wrote was Saturday, April 12. In between then and now, we went to Chicago for a short visit, I had most of a work week, including my annual review, and we had belated Passover on Good Friday. The Chicago trip was fun even though the weather wasn’t the greatest […]
Sunday was our biggest film fest day – three movies, starting with Gabrielle, about two sweet kids with disabilities, in love. The woman who plays Gabrielle the character is also named Gabrielle – Gabrielle Marion-Rivard. She has Williams Syndrome in real life as in film; the actor that plays her boyfriend Martin does not […]
So Friday was part of the film fest, although we didn’t go to any movies. We were supposed to, or at least I had two tickets for The Dog, a documentary about John Wojtowicz, the person who Al Pacino’s character in Dog Day Afternoon is based on. The Dog was showing at 4:15 in the […]
When I was a semi-anorexic teenager, I pretty much lived on graham crackers, coleslaw (from the deli at Giant Eagle), hard boiled eggs, and apples. Honey Maid graham crackers have always been a staple of my pantry – for late night secret snacks of microwave S’mores – which I seem to write about, but not […]
Today’s the first day of the WI Film Fest. We’re going to one movie, Salvo. I think it’s kind of an Italian gangster movie – IMDB says the main character is a hit man. Toni’s film studies teacher recommended it. The movie’s not until 8:45, so it’s already been a work day. Into the office […]