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I’ve always loved graham crackers

When I was a semi-anorexic teenager, I pretty much lived on graham crackers, coleslaw (from the deli at Giant Eagle), hard boiled eggs, and apples. Honey Maid graham crackers have always been a staple of my pantry – for late night secret snacks of microwave S’mores – which I seem to write about, but not photograph <grin>, pie crusts, and just to eat, plain or with peanut butter, or jam or Nutella. When the kids were little, a pre-daycare, in the car breakfast, was graham peanut butter sandwiches in a washed out yogurt cup, and of course I got to finish what they didn’t eat, after I dropped them off. I also used to like to break them up and eat them as cereal – so much better-tasting than Golden Grahams, even if they do get soggy really fast.

So this is totally great – reinforcing my love of graham crackers:

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