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Sometimes I just wanna curl up ….

…into a little ball, and close my eyes. Preferably with cats, and snuggly blankets. Today was one of those days.

It was uneventful, for me anyways. Mark had to get up at oh my god in the morning and drive to the train into Chicago for a job interview. But I got to stay in bed. I made a sandwich out of last night’s ham (I guess Nueske’s is really in Wittenburg, not Clintonville) on two of my wheat rolls,  and fruit salad using up a handful of strawberries, half an apple, an orange, and a sprinkle of raisons, and packed it all up and went to work. Yesterday was no fun walking in because it was too windy for an umbrella, and my rain coat hood won’t stay up unless I wear a billed hat underneath. Today I wore the hat.

Work was a lot of this and that, felt like I got a few things done.

But I felt less than 100% all day – when I got out of bed I was dizzy, and gunk at the back of my throat, and my eyes were all crusty. And I’m just tired. I’m either having a stroke or a sinus infection. I guess I vote for sinus infection.

We had leftover tomato dill soup and a big salad with toasted almonds, hard boiled eggs, Parmesan, and creamy curry dressing. Like the tomato dill soup, it’s an Ovens of Brittany dish – minus the eggs. And when I first started at Ovens we did the salads with toasted almonds, but they got too expensive – there was too much shrink – too easy for a cook to burn a whole tray of them when toasting – so we went to croutons made from the old bread, that we had lots of.

Gonna go wash the dishes and then crash on the couch.

Here’re more pics of the raspberry pinwheels.

In retrospect (as of Friday morning in the shower), both of my last Sunday’s baking endeavors (the pinwheels and the grahams) were minor failures. Almost-rights. The pinwheels because I mistakenly put the extra egg yolk into the dough, instead of the glaze, although it was not as spectacular a failure as 2009, the year I did the same thing with a batch of the cranberry pistachio refrigerator cookies, and oh, broke my thumb the same night. The grahams because I under-baked them. They need to be baked dark and crisp. This was brought home to me Thursday when I threw the last soggy ones into the trash. Tim makes note of being sure to bake dark in some of his other recipes, but not this one.

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