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Monthly Archives: August 2013

Summer’s End

Shucks, I’ve been writing this post in my head all day, and I have forgotten the good parts. It’s Saturday of Labor Day weekend, so truly the end of summer. I started the day feeling kind of melancholy and nostalgic – oh, summer’s over, back to work. The feeling was intensified because last Saturday I […]

Heat Wave

So it’s kind of the last weekend of summer, at least for us academic types. At work today everyone looked totally stressed. Frantically working on syllabi and uploading stuff to course websites. Updating the School’s website in time for the new semester, new students, orientation. To complement all of the above, I had a huge […]

My summer of not photographing food

Somehow this summer I’m just not photographing and writing about food as much as some summers past – I don’t have big set of pictures for various holidays like Memorial Day* or 4th of July. It’s gotten hot again, and supposed to stay that way for a few days. I went for a walk this […]

Easy as pie

Or maybe it’s as satisfied as pie. I’ve been feeling kind of over-tired and over-worked here at the end of my vacation week. It sure made me a lot happier to bake pie. It doesn’t really matter that the blueberry pie dripped and burned on the bottom of the oven – I can always run […]

Day 4, Vacation slash work at home week

I think the only work work I did today was email. Tomorrow will have to be a different story. I taught the 2nd of the three cooking demos at Aprilaire I’m doing this summer – #1 was back in June, and #3 will be October. They’re a company here in Madison that makes indoor air […]

Not sure how that happened

Where I left off was Tuesday after the vegans – It was my first day back at work after Bootcamp. Catch up in the AM, then a planning retreat for a campus organization of which I am part in the PM. The lunch was boxed from Panera – I thought I was going to be […]

Happy birthday to me

Sunday. It was kind of a funny one. Got up, probably too early for a birthday, and did a little yoga because it was raining, so I could neither walk nor bike to the co-op for more groceries for vegan dinner part 2. I did my 15-minute Rodney Yee AM stretch, followed by a 5-minute […]

The Vegans Are Coming!

Dave, the organizer for the Madison Vegetarian Meetup Group, proposed that we do some homey vegan dinners. The group had a dinner for 27 at School Woods like 6 years ago, and has been over for lunches and cupcakes and games & snacks more recently, but I can only seat about 30, and they are […]

Ice cream for dinner

Today is over-the-hump day of my new distance graduate students’ orientation bootcamp. I’m soooo tired – although they’re all probably tireder than me. We put on an ice cream social for them – the University Housing catering service serving the University Creamery (Babcock Hall) ice cream. Other years I had catered it myself, biking to […]

Friday night before Bootcamp

Mark and his son and son’s girlfriend are off at Lollapalooza, leaving me and Rachael to have what Rach has started calling the “longest sleepover party of the summer”. I’m just trying to have some normal weekend fun before the new distance student’s bootcamp starts on Monday morning. We started with a pedi, after work […]