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Happy birthday to me

Sunday. It was kind of a funny one. Got up, probably too early for a birthday, and did a little yoga because it was raining, so I could neither walk nor bike to the co-op for more groceries for vegan dinner part 2. I did my 15-minute Rodney Yee AM stretch, followed by a 5-minute supported cobbler’s pose. The black cat came to curl up on my belly during the restorative pose – I am not sure that’s strictly legit by the rules of yoga, but it was nice, anyways. I tried to take a picture of cat on my tum, but my arms aren’t long enough.

I drove to the co-op for more eggplant, silken tofu, salad greens, zuchinni (!!). I bought a squirt can of vegan whipped topping for the chocolate mousse – the whipped coconut milk was good, but you only use the thickest part of the can, and I already have a full jar of coconut “whey” for Thai dishes and cooking rice in.

And, oh yea, I washed all the tablecloths and napkins so I could use them again Monday – and then of course I forgot to bring the laundry basket, and had to use others, so I have a whole new set to wash now.

Came back home and made a breakfast pie: sausage & peppers & onions & white cheddar, that we ate with some tiny fingerlings braised in veggie broth and paprika. And lots of fruit – cherries, melons, raspberries, banana – all from the farmers market except the banana.

We drove down to the state fair, stopping for cash and Starbucks – and I got a free birthday iced coffee, with vanilla syrup.

Arriving at 2:30 on the last day of the state fair is not the optimal time. Things were smelly and crowded. Lots of the animals had gone home. John & Megan came to meet us. We got a glimpse of Bruce Gilden, the photographer that John had assisted on Friday and Saturday, then we went to see the rabbits and chickens. Mark & Toni went to ride the funicular; John & Megan and I went to the brew pub, where the choice of beers was pretty slim – only the tappers that still had handles. I got a Capital Amber. As always the best part was the cream puffs. We got our to go and ate them in front of vampires.

I took Monday off, too, to cook for vegan dinner pt. 2. I had put in the Costco plum tomatoes and the rest of Matt’s little sungolds into the oven to slow roast overnight. I should’ve checked them when I woke up at 2:00 AM, but I was just sure they wouldn’t be done – I didn’t start them until 11:00. So I was quite sad when I went down at a little before 6:00, to find the sungolds burnt, and the plum’s not quite done. I went back to bed.

Got up a little before 7:00 and [re]made the cookies  and the chocolate mousses. Then Mark and I did the mysterious parent online registration – on MMSD’s ridiculously slow Drupal site – I can’t even get it to load to get a picture tonight. We all walked over to the Doyle Building, to hand in the papers. I walked home on my own to [re]make the eggplant lasagna. Around 3:30 when everything was in the oven, and I was about to shower, I reflected that most people would not regard cooking for 22 to be a day off. Making everything the 2nd time was not as fun as the first time, but it was still OK. Covered the food costs, made about $350 – a substantial amount until I divide by the hours I spent.

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