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What a day

Started with a Willy St. Co-op finance committee, after which I got to drive my car out the back exit of the parking lot to Jenifer St.

Nothing happened – I didn’t run over any kids or old ladies, or people my own age, houses didn’t crumble to dust. I just pulled out, turned left, drove half a block down Jenifer Street to Baldwin, left again, and headed over to E. Washington to drive downtown.

Stopped by Mark’s office to book tickets to go to New Orleans for ALA at the end of June. Mine ended up costing $20 more than his did, some special must’ve got yanked at 9:34 a.m.

Then in to work, mostly grading assignments and trying to beat email into submission, until 1:15 when I had to drive to the far west side for my yearly check up. Which went fine except for when I told the doc I’d had a little spotting the month before, didn’t seem so odd even though I haven’t had a period since 2007 (I am 55 after all) she said, “it’s ok, but if it happens again, call me”. Uurrgh.

Went home, picked up my edible books contest cake entry, then back to campus to install the cake, decorated with a Gourmet magazine cover, in the show.

August 2002

After considering making the wine jelly on the cover and attaching the gelatin and fruit to the cake, I opted for printing the magazine cover image onto to tracing paper and sticking it to the cake. Sort of high concept – The recipe for the cake is IN the magazine. Here’re more pictures of the contest cakes.

After I set up the cake, went back to work, and finished grading the last 6 assignments – Yay! And back to edible books for the judging.

Then home for dinner, broccoli salad and a liverwurst sandwich. With sweet pickles. Now I almost feel ready for bed. At least pajamas and the couch.

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