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Warby Parker

Warby Parker "Miles" frames in Amber on me


I’ve been needing new glasses – I have so much astigmatism, when my glasses get bent they don’t work anymore.

The girlfriend of one of the co-op board members came into the after-party at the bar yesterday evening wearing these totally cool glasses with orange frames. My board colleague said she got them from Warby Parker, an online glasses buying place, that does a buy one, give one deal – for every pair of glasses they sell to a full-price customer, they give a pair to a poor person somewhere in the world. It’s $95 per pair of glasses. And there’s an avatar system where you upload a picture of yourself to virtually try on your new glasses.

I gave it a try this morning – and was a little disappointed that they don’t do lineless biofocals; they’re too hard to fit, virtually – so I don’t get a whole new pair of glasses, ready to wear, shipped to my door, for $95. But I got the frames, anyways. Warby Parker will ship them to me with non-prescription lenses, and they take off 10%. And I’ll just take them to an optician here in Madison, and have the non-prescription lenses popped out and my prescription lenses put in. It’ll cost a little more than the $95 (actually quite a bit more – my lenses are like $110 each…) but they’ll give a pair to someone who needs them, and I think I’m getting some frames I’ll really like.

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