Wednesday, August 20, 2014
So my master plan of last weekend, cooking all the vegetables I could, seems to have worked. Mark and Rach and I had tomato gratin and eggs and fruit on Sunday morning; I did make the Smitten Kitchen one – but I used leftover garlic toast and much less Parmesan, instead of cubing and frying […]
Saturday, August 16, 2014
I’m getting three CSA boxes in a row – I get my normal every other from Tipi, August 7th & 21st, and last Thursday I got Rebekah’s from Vermont Valley. So, I’ve been trying to cook it all, and here’s what’s in the fridge: one last slice of corn & tomato pie a small container […]
Or, to put it more politely, the earnest, home cook, social media recipe commenters. Today for brunch I made this corn and tomato pie, by way of Gourmet, by way of Laurie Colwin & James Beard. It’s supposed to look like this: Or this: But mine looked like this: Right – soupy. What a bring […]
First thing this morning I drove out to the clinic out by West Towne with the urgent care that opens early, to get stuck for my thyroid pill blood test, and on the radio they were saying it was going to be the hottest, humidest day of the summer. By the time I got home […]
I guess this has just been a crazy week. We had tornadoes and straight line winds on Monday night, power outages on campus with no email or online courseware or main website, even, on Wednesday, and even though we seemed to survive the storm OK here, on Friday morning after a night of what […]
I’ve been wanting to make ramen salad – it seems like an early summer dish. I’ve been tinkering with the recipe – in 2006, I thought you needed to put in the seasoning packs, and use lots of sugar. More recently, I have switched to the Mollie Katzen point of view – when cooking with […]
Got home from work pretty hungry and had what seemed like a perfectly reasonable snack – a toasted slice from the loaf of long rise white I made a few days ago, with a little blue cheese on one end and a little goat cheese on the other, with a few sun-dried tomatoes. I […]
…into a little ball, and close my eyes. Preferably with cats, and snuggly blankets. Today was one of those days. It was uneventful, for me anyways. Mark had to get up at oh my god in the morning and drive to the train into Chicago for a job interview. But I got to stay in […]
Last night was the 2nd Dinner at DebS. There were 8 guests and three of us. It went pretty well, I think. We had a multi-generation group, WWII, Boomers, Gen X, 30-somethings, and one teenager. I have been worried that these smaller diners might get awkward – this one had a few moments, but overall […]
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Or maybe week & a half. We’re talking about last week – March 3 – but this week – March 10 is also in the running. Everything is wasn’t, didn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, can’t. I think everyone – or at least John and I – are stuck in the end-of-winter, time change, feel like it’s […]