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Shoulda gone to yoga

All day yesterday I planned to go try out a new (to me) yoga class. Rach’s class has always been at 5:45 Tuesdays and so is this class.

I got home from work in time to swap bike for car, and make it to the East side for the class. Part of my planning had been the decision that this early in the biking season (for me) biking 5 miles to this yoga studio where I’d never been, taking the class, and biking home, at the end of the work day, was too strenuous. Plus, thunderstorms were predicted. Hence, the bike/car swap.

I also had to take the non-working dehumidifier to Sears on the far West side for under-warranty repair. And it would be nice to pick up my holds at the library, and go to the grocery store for a few things like skim milk, bananas, and fizzy water.

But when I got home I opted to just do the errands, skipping yoga. Turned out sorta disappointing. First, I had to agitate a bit to make sure I got my warranty coverage on the dehumidifier. When I bought it, I got a 35-pint, paid for the extended warranty, took it home – and realized it was too small for the size of my basement. I took the 35-pint back and exchanged it for a 50 and the salesman assured me he transferred the warranty to the larger machine. The repair guy could only find the warranty attached to the 35-pint, and was telling me that they were going to charge me full price for the repair, and I was going to have to call some 800 number, to get the charges taken off. Fortunately, as I was protesting that I’d paid for the warranty, a random manager went by and told my repair guy that HE should call the 800 number. Warranty found, dehumidifier dropped off, but final unsatisfactory note is that it’s going to take two weeks, in thunderstorm season. Way too long for me to fret about everything in the basement getting damper and damper.

Then to the grocery store – no real problems there, until checking out. Even though I told both the checker and the bagger that I wanted paper bags, the bagger was chatting with the previous customer. He asked if I wanted a plastic bag for my ice cream, I said sure, turned my back to pay, and everything ended up in plastic. Which we can now recycle, but still. And, that’s what I wanted the paper bags for – recycling.

Leaving the store, I realized I’d forgotten to get the library books, and it would be backtracking from there, and it was almost 7:00, and I was hungry. So the book pick up became a to-do later.

Went home, made dinner, but felt like I’d made the wrong choice for my evening. Oh, well, at least I had skim milk for my homemade latte this morning.


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