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Rhubarb custard tart – still my Waterloo

I’ve always said that rhubarb custard tart is my Waterloo, the recipe I can never get right. A few days ago, I thought I found a recipe that would work. I baked it last night, and even though this is definitely my best ever, I still had a few problems. I had too much custard, it wouldn’t all fit in the shell; I tried not to over fill, but it ran over just a bit.

A custard tart is one of those things that you need to eat right away, so I decided to take it to work, where there’re more eaters. I cut it in half and left a slice for Mark at home, then I packed it into my metal 13 x 9 x 2 pan with the snap-on lid. I carried it out to the garage and tried 3 or 4 different ways of attaching t to my bike, and of course I dropped it  in between the last two.

Here’s the (suitably adapted) recipe.

Rhubarb tart, overflow

Rhubarb tart, overflow

fresh out of the oven, Thursday night

fresh out of the oven, Thursday night

After being dropped, while trying to bunge the pan to my bike rack

After being dropped, while trying to bunge the pan to my bike rack

Trimmed up

Trimmed up

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