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Overflowing mini banana cupcakes

Stuck banana bread cupcakes

I used the Grandma’s Banana Cake recipe from Classic Home Desserts, by the late Richard Sax, one of my fave cook books. It’s supposed to be baked in a tube pan, so I should have known to really UNDER-fill the muffin cups – because it’s a cake batter that really needs the support of the pan. Also working against me are the facts that 1) I think my oven is not working quite right – the fan has been making this singsong  sound to get started, and I get the feeling that it gets too hot too fast. Haveta call the repair man – the dishwasher handle is also kinda busted, so maybe I can do two things at once. And 2) I used yogurt instead of sour cream in the batter, and even though Sax says this will work OK, I think yogurt is more acidic and makes the baking powder and soda work overtime – hence the flat, spread out tops.

I started trying to un-mold them,  gave up, took the picture, and peeled them off the pan right into the trash, and took the bag right out to the curb – which would have been a lot more satisfying if the if the city had not just come down our street collecting.

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