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Oma’s yahrzeit, or, “too humid for pie”

July 22nd is my mother’s yahrzeit – this year it’s been 9 years. I lit a candle in the crystal candle holder  my mom and I bought at the Art Fair on the Square because we thought it would look good for Opa’s yahrzeit candle (tho in this pic, I’m using one of Oma’s candle-go-round candles, not a yahrzeit candle, same as I did for her). An old friend was coming over for dinner. She brought a bottle of white wine – Oma would have approved – and I made a chicken salad, with tahini lemon dressing & sugar snaps and red peppers, that was published in Gourmet the summer that my mom died, that I had made for her at least once – before we came to the phase where all she wanted was vanilla pudding.  Since we had a light supper – the chicken salad, summer squash casserole, and the wine – we could have pie afterward. Which was still good, but starting to get a little gooey. A bit humid for pie. We had the AC on, and a thunder storm rolled in, but we only noticed the lightning flashes, not the thunder booms. Oma would’ve approved.

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