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Oh, so lazy Memorial Day weekend

Saturday: didn’t get out of bed until 8:20. Headed to the farmers market to brave the crowds, hoping the cloudy grey weather, that seems to be always threatening rain, would keep the riffraff down. No such luck. So we just shuffled along, with all the slowpokes. Since I got a CSA box just Thursday, I didn’t want to buy much – eggs, one of Matt’s chickens to cook on the grill tomorrow, maybe some brats.

I decided on my cooking plans for the weekend:

Tonight, brats and potato salad and grilled asparagus, since I have lots of asparagus from my Tipi box, and also potatoes & green onions. Tomorrow, cimmy buns using a Marian Morash roll recipe with squash puree in it, to use up the last of the last carton of winter squash from the freezer. Also tomorrow, roast chicken on the grill, and potatoes – better to do the grilled potatoes tomorrow, because I’ll have a slower fire form roasting the chicken than I will tonight from grilling the brats. And I want to do something with all the rhubarb I have, from Meredith’s yard, and from my Tipi box.

After the market, I finished the asparagus tart for breakfast. Then I took the mower over to E. Wash so Belinda & Stephen could use it, and was only 5 minutes late for my haircut on the far west side. Came home again, and biked to Knoches for the brats. Washed my bike, and then washed me, and now I’m ready to start cooking. I’ll add photos as I take them. Right now gotta go check and see if there’s any charcoal in the garage.

Grilled asparagus raw & cooked

Grilled asparagus raw & cooked

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