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Kind of a funny week –

At least, cooking and foodwise. I was in Minneapolis on Sunday & Monday, so it was road food then. I took plastic containers of yogurt & granola, and a banana & an apple for the bus, and filled my to-go cup with coffee. The refill coffee that I bought at the Pilot truck stop on I-94 where the bus took a 30-minute break was undrinkable – I poured it out in the ladies. Al & I went to a Caribou with nowheres to sit at about 5:00 after we loaded the truck – full of undergrads studying – and I had a blueberry muffin and more coffee. Al had a chipotle turkey wrap – he had to pick out the tomatoes. Tincher made a good dinner for us to eat while watching the Oscars – all the vegetables from his fridge, beets & parsnips & potatoes & onions, and chicken thighs and chorizo, sauteed a bit on the stove and baked, over rice. He seasoned it with a good bit of cloves, too.

Tuesday Mark had colonoscopy, and I went to the Willy Co-op Board Dinner at an Asian place called Fugu – we had 9 people so a lot of dishes on a lazy susan in the center of the table – some good, some not so good. The appetizers were probably the best – edamame, dumplings, seaweed salad. I ordered beef brisket hot pot, and it was kind of fatty. The twice cooked pork seemed to be pork belly, so also kind of fatty. There was chicken with dry peppers that was like popcorn chicken, breaded and fried, very salty, lots of peppers – very good in an appetizer-y kind of way. I liked the veggies the best –  eggplant – tho Anya & Mike thought it was mushy – and the Chinese broccoli, which is the same as broccoli rabe, in vegetable oil & garlic instead of olive oil & garlic.

I think Wednesday – leap day – was greens & mashed potatoes day – and I’m not sure what happened Thursday – but somewhere in the late afternoon, maybe I grabbed grabbed a few too many peanut m&m’s from the office candy dish, and it ended up being one of those days where I seemed to eat all the wrong stuff and had a bad stomach by bedtime. Made 5-hour rice pudding with real milk instead of soy milk, and that was mostly dinner, but I had a piece of cheese toast and some jello, and even mild rice pudding didn’t sit right.

It snowed today, Friday – heavy wet stuff. I took a bagel for lunch and an orange. New food – I decided that maybe my first step to ruin on Thursday was taking leftover greens, and layering them on and cheese and the last slices of heavy sunflower seed bread – that I of coruse could’ve chucked, those last two slices – don’t need to do the mom thing and eat all the bad old food. I think maybe I feel better of I eat new food for lunch – I think maybe I’m just not one of those people who should take leftover casserole in my lunch box. Yogurt and fruit, sandwiches, cheese and crackers – more my thing. Leftover hummus, maybe. Leftover vegetables can be OK, but those greens weren’t. For dinner I made the salmon cakes with the leftover mashed potatoes, finally, and tried out a cranberry bars recipe. Not quite enough filling – I had to supplement with raspberry jam, and speaking of jam, and I think these bars’d be better with jam instead of cranberries. Ended up with a dividend of some extra streusel that I toasted and we can eat on ice cream, or in trifle. And set some new bread, long rise whole wheat, to rise for tomorrow.

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