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I really don’t care about the lawn

We had our first 90-degree day of the summer today. I made brunch for a big crowd – 21 full size humans plus 8 or 9 little kids ranging in age from about 2 weeks to 10 years. It was one of my picture-less ones, but a nice menu:

Jazzed up potatoes – Mexican fried potatoes – from Mollie Katzen, with onions, garlic, cumin & red pepper flakes, tomatoes, cilantro, black olives, and fried torn up corn tortillas, topped with a squish of lime juice & melted cheese; shirred eggs, baked with a splash of cream and chives and parmesan; custard-filled corn bread, and a really tasty gluten free version with cinnamon and green chile. I also made a big spinach salad with a red dressing, and water chestnuts, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds – with and without bacon. For dessert, fruit crumbles: rhubarb-strawberry, gluten free, with almonds & pine nuts for extra crunch, and cranberry-raspberry with regular flour streusel. Since it’s brunch, and early in the day, I put out Greek yogurt with honey for topping instead of whipped cream or ice cream.

I got home a little before 3:00, and completely forgot that I was planning on mowing the lawn. I took a bike ride to return a library book, and I’ve settled in on the couch with all the Sunday papers and cable TV shows, vampires and Treme and Tudors.

I had the last of the spinach salad for dinner, with some of the leftover egg sliced up on top and a piece of the skillet corn bread, toasted. All the custard-filled got eaten at the brunch.

I feel a little guilty about not mowing but it’s not too bad. I just might have to eat the last of the cranberry-raspberry crumble, specially because I can have it with ice cream since it’s evening now.

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