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Halfway in another time

Welp, it’s another of those weeks, when I haven’t written from Sunday to Friday – tho I actually started this post Thursday, and I know I won’t finish it till Saturday.

Cooking-wise it hasn’t been too unusual – couple of nights when I had dinner all by myself, once we went out, and Friday I had a dinner at School Woods. That probably deserves a post of its own; maybe tomorrow.

Monday for dinner I made egg salad, with lots of sweet pickle, and ate it on buttered toast, one of the last slices of a loaf of bread I inherited from Rachael – mostly white but with some flax & poppy seeds.

Tuesday I made a big salad with hard boiled eggs and turned the creamy chive potatoes I’d made on the weekend into a nice crispy potato cake – that go no takers except me, so the last half went into the compost.

Wednesday we got burgers at Dotty’s

Thursday, since I got fresh sugar snap peas in my CSA box, I stir fried the ones I bought at the Wednesday market with some brown rice that had been lurking in the fridge for over a week – I also got beautiful lettuce, see below.

But what really made this week different is the short news item on public radio that I heard out of the corner of my ear on Monday – that two men, brothers, had died in a small plane crash near the Apostle Islands on Saturday. One of them was a nurse; the other a doctor. The one that was a nurse was the best friend of one of my old boyfriends, the one from Green Bay, who my father referred to as “that beautiful blond guy”, as in, “Whatever happened to that beautiful blond guy?” In other words, the nurse who died was someone who I hardly ever see anymore, but 35 years ago, I spent a lot of time with him, and his then girlfriend, now wife, or I guess widow. Ouch.

It’s roused up lots of memories of that time – that I’m kind of ashamed of. I was kind of a shit to the beautiful blond guy. I think he really loved me, and I probably could’ve really loved him, but I was too busy trying to decide who I was back then – at ages 23 to 26. I was busy trying on different lives, and I just wasn’t sure the one with him was the one I wanted. I was an idiot, but also, unfortunately, kind of mean.  The other thing going on this week is my younger son’s looking for a job in Chicago, and it’s made me realize I treated our relationship – me and the beautiful blond guy – like job hunting. I was always looking for the next best thing. Like I said, I was kind of a shit.

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