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I just participated in my 4th straight GrillN4peace. The first time, I didn’t even take a grill, just a bucket of bread dough to grill on someone else’s. The year after was the wet year; it was 40 degrees in february, and we stood in 6 inches of melt on top of the ice cube which was the lake. Last year was pretty quick & easy & matter-of-fact – John & Megan stopped by, which was fun, and I made probably my fanciest grilled food – a stuffed flank steak. The two highlights of this year were: 1) I had to excavate the grill from the snow bank next to the garage – because Wednesday (Feb 2) was our snow day – we got about a foot and a half of snow; and 2) I took iPhone movies. (double-click on the images to get them to play) Oh, yea, and when I was driving over to the GrillN, I was behind another vehicle obviously bound for the same place – a red Toyota pick up, the legs upside down Webers visible in the back. It was all fun, but a lotta work just to grill a brat for lunch.

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