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Christmas Eve Day

Despite my prediction of a grey Christmas turning out to be premature – we have a couple of inches of new white stuff that has been slowly accumulating since morning – Christmas Eve Day has provided probably equal parts of Christmas-y and UN-Christmas-y glimpses:

Mark on his knees next to the couch by his ailing kitty, iPhone to his ear while he listened to the vet’s report on the results of her tests;

The woman loading her baby into the car – that’s Christma-y – travel, right? I saw her walking from the house carrying the baby in its carrier in one hand, and another, similarly shaped object in the other – part of the carrier? She left the baby on the sidewalk, put the other part in the car – maybe it was the base, and had to go first, but then she started the car, get it all nice & warm for the baby, and gave the baby a good blast of exhaust;

The man telling his dog it was time to go inside where it was warm – but the dog was wearing a nice warm doggie jacket and couldn’t have cared less about going in;

Young, college student age, couple walking to their car, with extra shoes and backpacks, must’ve also been holiday travel;

Slippers little pink tongue at the end at the vet’s;

The frozen snow plow snow blocking the driveway at E. wash – although un-shoveled snow is a sure sign of a holiday.

We upheld our Christmas Eve tradition, and  ate pizza and watched Love Actually. Not enough light so the pictures look just as bad as cookies at night.

Xmas pizza with artichoke hearts, pepperoni, and roasted tomato

Goat cheese Xmas pizza

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