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Black Friday Thanksgiving III

We’re doing Black Friday Thanksgiving again, for the third time in a row, so it’s officially a family tradition.

It puts us outta whack with the rest of the world a little, but it’s really nice (as Mark said when we were out walking yesterday) to have Thanksgiving as an empty day, for the cook especially – instead of trying to do dinner prep Wednesday when you probably had to work at least half a day, or travel, you can do it all on Thursday.  Case in point – I made 4 pies yesterday – and pickled carrots, and leek confit, and cubed up and toasted the bread for the stuffing, and one cookie kind, and finished the cookie shopping at Woodman’s. And came home a little in love with Woodman’s, actually. It was an interesting combination of shopping with the losers who had left it till Thanksgiving morning to shop, plus non-Thanksgiving celebrants, enjoying their day, and hyper-organized moms, like me, stocking up on whatever for after the holiday. The girl who bagged my groceries did a really good job – the way I would’ve done it myself, sensible organizations of things into the bags.The only thing they were sold out on was plastic containers, but I can go back tomorrow, and oh by the way get the bon bon cups I need for the baby fruitcakes.

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