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Back home but not quite back to normal –

Whatever that is – My brother’s writing about  the string of snow days in Seattle that disrupted his schedule, and I’m in Madison still feeling conference-time-shifted. For me, rather than snow storms, I think it’s the perfect storm of a long weekend in Dallas, including one twilight zone day, (capped off by Mark’s bout with food poisoning) plus the start of a new semester, plus we have a new exchange student (also at loose ends, patiently waiting for second semester to start at high school – Jan. 30th), plus the off winter weather we’ve been having. We finally got some real snow, but we’ve also had ice and rain and temperatures in the mid-30s in the daytime.

My main complaint is the utter inability to know what day it is – I missed Wednesday somehow.

Got back late Monday night to kitty-trampled kitchen counters, and stacks of mail. Today was trash and recycle day, so the kitchen’s looking more normal – I even dumped the compost twice – one advantage of the warmer winter – the compost bin doesn’t freeze closed – but I could do without there still being alive, flying bugs in there in NOVEMBER.

Tonight there’s noodle casseroles for dinner at the supper club – turkey and broccoli-mushroom – spinach salad and fruit salad and cookies. Both recipes made vats – I had to do overflow small pans, beyond the 13 x 9 x 2 I had planned for each. Maybe I’ll get a few pix, but given my usual habits, would that be a sign of normalcy, or ab-?

Half bagel on messy desk atop teetering pile of grad school applications I need to read

PS, as per usual, I guess – even though it was an exceptionally nice dinner group, pleasant conversation, several new members – only one picture from the dinner, and it’s of leftovers the next day:

Ginger cookies & chocolate chip - there were some rugelach too, but we ate 'em before they could get leftover

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