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Wisconsin election results

Feingold beat Johnson handily in my county, but not the rest of the state

I don’t think I’ve quite recovered from the election yet; I still have that frustrated and baffled and angry feeling, like when I  was a kid and was trying to explain something to my parents, and they just. did. not. get. it. Like the guy I heard on the radio saying, in advance of the election, that he had to vote Republican to keep the tax breaks that Bush gave “us” – unless he’s a bazillionaire, I don’t really know what “us” he was talking about. Or all the people who keep saying we have to get rid of this health care reform. Huh? Or the Republican who will be replacing retiring David Obey in the WI House – Sean Duffy, who’s evidently appeared on reality TV – saying he was going to ensure that we in the U.S do not have cradle to-grave, European-style, Socialist care. Huh? Or, of course, the Governor-elect, Scott Walker who wants to call off the hig-speed rail project, and give back the $810 million in federal money, and still 10s of thousands of new jobs in our state. Huh?

I liked what my brother had to say, that democracy sucks, because we the people don’t know what’s good for us. Hey, Dave, I’ll vote for you for philosopher-king in 2012! I’m sure you could beat Sarah Palin.

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