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Thank you social media

Here in Wisconsin it’s day 14 of the protests at the Capitol. Half the time I feel like this is too big to be ignored – there were probably 100,000 of us yesterday, marching in the snow – to my eyes, absolutely more than last week’s 70,000. But on the Sunday talk shows, Gov. Weasel Walker said

two weeks of protests in the state capital hadn’t swayed his resolve to eliminate most collective bargaining rights for most public employees.

Last week, I was thinking that the stuff I was reading in the straight press was starting to sound like the Onion. But today, there’s a NYT Op Ed by Frank Rich, that lays out the Republican conspiracy in no uncertain terms. It is so NOT about the money – or at least it not about the negligible amount of money that would be saved with Walker’s so-called budget repair bill. This whole thing is about making the rich richer, and deregulating and privatizing everything.

I have to believe it has to be at least in part because so much of this is getting outed on facebook – there were only about 12 of us in the whole country who read the article in the New Yorker about the Koch brothers – probably I should post it to my profile, right now.