Monday, November 12, 2012
With all my cooking assignments? The potato rolls turned into a potato focaccia, mostly white but with a little rye flour. Good for toast and sandwiches. I made the pork pies – got 12 little pies, and meant to photograph them yesterday while it was light – that went the way of all good intentions. […]
So, now that the election’s over, it’s back to life as usual, right? It’s been a lost week for me, 26 student advising appointments at work, election day as a poll worker, and a cold … or maybe it’s strep. I do have a stuff to cook list again, not in my phone, but in […]
Thursday, November 1, 2012
… or haste makes waste, or I’m just getting more absent minded the older I get – pick your favorite cliché. On Tuesday (second to last day of October) I had to be at work until about 8:30 at night, so I didn’t go in to the office until about noon. I got about 3 […]
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
October 22 is School Woods official birthday – at least it’s the date of the very first dinner I put on there in 2006. For School Woods 6th, I put on a Sunday Supper. Fifteen diners, and a lovely time had by all. I think I liked the chicken filo rolls better than the veg […]
Thursday, October 11, 2012
On Monday when we got back from Ohio, I made a pasta with the cooked broccoli that was sitting in the fridge, a piece of butternut squash that I cubed and roasted, and some of the oven dried tomatoes – the container that had the drier ones that I did not freeze. And the ends […]
Last night I taught another of the use-your-whole-CSA-box cooking classes at Willy St. West, for the CSA Coalition. The box was from Tipi and it was a fun, late summer assortment. After doing these last year, we had decided that it’s be better to give the attendees the same number of recipes – 6 or […]
Last night we hosted our exchange student’s farewell graduation BBQ. It was a really nice party – lots of pleasant young people, and one whole family, our neighbors from up the street, who also have a graduating senior daughter, so there were some grown ups for me & Mark. We asked people to bring something […]
I didn’t finish cleaning up till 11:22. Rach put together a group so we had like 20 people. It was an easy menu, everything made in advance – roasted the chicken in the a.m. when it was cool. I only had to turn the stove on to grill the polenta. Which, by the way I […]
The subject line of my sister-in-law’s email inviting us to my brother’s and her 25th wedding anniversary party. Their marriage is the same age as my oldest son – and coincidentally, John was at their place for their 21st anniversary, when he had just turned 21, in the midst of a cross-country trip with three […]
Like I said, it got cold again here in WI. The last two evenings, I’ve had online meetings with one of my library school classes. My students are giving short presentations on new technology, and we all meet using web conferencing to hear them. Six students presented in an hour and a half on Tuesday; […]