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Tag Archives: kids

Oh, just shoot me ….

Leftover greens & mashed potatoes So, I was out on Monday for Al’s move job, then yesterday I had to leave early to chauffeur Mark to his colonoscopy (pretty awful, but so funny to see non-drinking Mark drunk on the anesthetic) – and I think I must be on something like 9,000 committees. So, work […]

Last kid moving adventure?

On Sunday I rode the megabus up to Minneapolis so that today I could drive this 10-foot UHaul with Al’s stuff in it back to Madison. It was a lot easier than I had worried it was going to be; none of the things I fretted about came to pass: there was a truck when […]

Broken toe and blueberry cakes

Yesterday I broke the baby toe on my right foot – I’m getting so old & brittle, just clonking it into the wooden leg of a couch did the trick. It hurt, but I didn’t think much about it, until I took my socks off around 4:00, getting ready for a shower, and saw how […]

Family Dinner Night

I guest chef-ed for Slow Food UW on Monday night. Like I said, we did all the cooking Sunday afternoon. We made Unky Dave’s potato salad – 20 pounds of little yellow potatoes from Matt Smith, 10 pounds of sweet potatoes from Don’s Produce, 5 pounds of Tipi Produce carrots and a big bag of […]

Home cooking

Since Thursday’s dinner, as usual, I’ve been using up leftovers for meals en famille. We are hosting an AFS student from the Netherlands this semester, and she arrived on Friday night. We ate the Spanish country soup that Mark made last weekend (for the Downton Abbey 2-hour season premiere), along with leftover borscht and cheese […]


Looks like my Johnny Depp tag is getting too small, so thought I better do a Johnny post. I am allowed to think Johnny’s cute, because he looks like my older son. I am looking forward to the movie version of Dark Shadows. The original was on afternoon TV when I was in grade school. […]

Cookie Party and aftermath

As Rach predicted, since the weather was fair, I got a huge turnout for the cookie party. People showed up immediately at the appointed start time – 5:30 – and I had dips & spreads out but nothing to dip or spread them on. I still had all the cookie platters under plastic wrap, cheeses […]

On a happier note?

Last night I served another Dinners on Wisconsin Dinner – 7 students, and really a nice bunch. Foodies and knowledgeable about food, but not pretentious about it at all. A few of them go to the slow food student dinners, and mentioned guest chef-ing – I’d love to do that. I think they’re getting Tory […]

School Woods birthday – the leftovers

I had a nice birthday party for School Woods on Friday. I’ve been serving meals there for 5 years. It was an after work cocktail party, stand-up, nibbles and sips. I made: Crostini with goat cheese, slow-roasted tomato, & pickled onion – homemade baguettes, and I used Heidi’s technique of pouring the oil (or butter) […]

Home cooking

We have an AFS student this school year, a 17-year Italian girl. As I’ve alluded to in past posts, she’s a bit like me at 17 – persnickety about food, because she wants to control what she’s putting in her mouth. Like Mark, she’s not a hearty eater to gobble up whatever I cook. (It’s […]