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Summer’s end

But not really – it’s only August 19th. It’s just a change in the weather.

After a stormy night last night, all of a sudden it’s grey and cloudy and 63°, which feels like about 40°, since it’s been so hot. On Monday I made it home before the rain, and worked until almost 7:30 reading student papers. I sold a few more supper club chairs – I’ve made almost $100. Then I had ice cream. The towel dams held until about 11:00 PM. I decided to check one last time before bed, and they were soaked – but in a way that was good, it meant I did all the sopping up, and spin drying and washing & drying towels last night, instead of this morning before my 9:00 AM Tuesday morning meeting.

I’m just in a funny unsettled state. I went off to that 9:00 AM meeting, and it wasn’t too cold while I was walking there, but freezing when I walked home. Where I spent the rest of the day grading, and I had everything submitted to the registrar by about 3:00.

There’s a ton of stuff in my email to deal with, I have two course syllabi to write, and online course spaces to set up, and I keep feeling like I should go over to E. Wash because I’m trying to get it ready to sell, but I just fooled around with email and then collapsed on the couch for 45 minutes or so –

I had a blueberry banana smoothie and some leftover hummus for lunch. I think I haven’t been eating enough bananas recently, because I’ve been getting leg cramps. Then I went on a bit of a cleaning out rampage. The leftover goat cheese from the birthday dinner seemed a little off, so I got rid of it, and the soggy popcorn, and the bowl with the last hunks of tuna and scraps from the salad. I’m still trying to decide what to do with the corn soup. Pasta sauce? Add potatoes and bacon for corn chowder? If it stays cold.

Funny weather – hot, cold, humid, dry – giant mushroom growing by Science Hall on the way to work. There were some big ones in my front yard, too – but they got all kind of baked and dried out during the hot days.



Rach and I went and did a little shopping – she got a dressy sweatshirt and a really great pair of jeans. I bought a top and pair of tie-dye leggings. Spent that $100 from the chairs – maybe i’ll tske the top back … We came home and I ate salad – which I could’ve topped with the birthday dinner salad scraps if I hadn’t run them down the disposal a few hours prior – and she had hummus for supper.

Now I’m watching ends of action movies on cable – Non-stop with Liam Neeson, and now Reindeer Games with a 15-years-younger Ben Affleck. Is he really sleeping with the nanny, like the tabloids say?