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Summer food is here, hooray!

John and Megan are here, so after I got done volunteering at the Art Fair, I came home and made a pork roast on the grill. I rubbed the meat with a paste of rosemary (the last of last year’s from the freezer, because we bought two new rosemary plants to put in a pot on back deck, at the Saturday market) and garlic and pepper and coarse salt. We ate the pork with some nice lettuce that Mark bought, and this oil & vinegar & Old Bay seasoning potato salad, from Gourmet, that I’ve made a bunch of times, and some green beans that I got at the Tuesday market and roasted with shallots yesterday, and one sliced Roma tomato, and a grilled zucchini, chunked up and tossed with oil and oregano, and put on the grill after I took the meat off.

I also tried out Food52’s any fruit upside down cake, with dark sweet cherries, also from the Saturday market. It came out a little dark and scarey looking, but no worse than the blueberry example in the recipe. It overflowed mightily, I knew it was going to – it was one of those things where I knew there was too much batter for the pan, and I should have removed some of it and baked a couple of cupcakes, but the recipe said 9-inch so I just did it. The full length instructions/story say to use a bigger pan for a bigger fruits to avoid overflow, 10- or 12-inch, and the pan in the picture is clearly an extra deep one, but all that extra info is in the extended story part, not the recipe part that I was looking at. The recipe does say to put the cake pan on top of a parchment-lined sheet pan, and good thing I did that – it make cleaning up actually quite easy.


My sweet dark cherry upside down cake

My sweet dark cherry upside down cake

Bowl of plums and plucot slices

Bowl of plums and plucot slices