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So disappointed

Initially, because I got a musk melon instead of watermelon in my CSA box – and the farmers I buy from, Tipi Produce, grow really good watermelons. But they sell to Willy Street, too, so I bought a chunk of one of their watermelons at the co-op and it’s in the fridge waiting to be eaten.

And now it’s turned into Sunday evening of a weekend when I did a fair amount of cooking: corn salsa, and sausage-egga-english muffins, and rosemary fried potatoes for Sunday breakfast, and caponata, and a long-rise no knead oatmeal bread, and a gratin of mixed summer & fall vegetables; potatoes, tomatoes, purple onions – but only one picture to show for it. I made pie dough, but no pie. Maybe I’ll get around to writing up some of the recipes, later on.

It was just kind of a poop out weekend – we didn’t go to the Orton Park Fest nor see any bands; we didn’t go to a movie. We DID go to Ride the Drive – but we only did one loop.

Just disappointing, overall.

Last year after Ride the Drive, I went up to Minnesota to help Al move. This year we’re leaving Monday morning, instead. Plus Al’s so grown up – I don’t need to rent a big vehicle to hold all his stuff overnight – I’m just helping him throw out the old furniture he doesn’t want – like the $10 dorm desk from UW’s university surplus – and giving him $$ to go to IKEA. I made a lot of food to take last year – this year the caponata is coming with me, and a hunk of Framer John’s Asiago.

These are yellow ones; they'd sent me one of these a few weeks ago, and I really wanted red

Potato-tomato gratin, with lemon & olives