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Mark’s Mom’s sour cream waffles


3 TBLS butter, melted
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream or yogurt
1 cup buttermilk or sour milk*
1 TBLS sugar
2 tsp. baking power
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups flour
About 1/4 cup additional milk, water or buttermilk

I like to melt the butter in a microwave safe bowl – glass or ceramic – big enough to hold all the batter. Add the eggs to the butter, and beat. Add the sour cream and buttermilk. Add the sugar, baking powder and salt, and then last the flour. Mix well; a few lumps are OK. Add the extra 1/4 cup liquid and mix again until smooth. Cook on the pre-heated waffle iron of your choice – I got 9 7-inch round waffles.

* to make sour milk, place 1 TBLS vinegar or lemon juice in a 1-cup measure, then top off with milk. Let stand a few minutes to sour. Don’t use old milk that smells sour – that’s spoiled milk!

Today I made these waffles with vanilla yogurt, reducing the sugar to 2 tsp., and salted butter – reducing the salt to a pinch of kosher salt. I am reading David Lebovitz’s The sweet life in Paris, and in it he basically recommends coarse salt for baking – he says fine table salt is too harsh – hmmm … guess he should know.