I stayed home on Friday with my cold, and interspersed bouts of working between couch time and cups of tea. I went to Walgreens and got cold medicine, and took two dosesĀ but I woke up so dehydrated on Saturday morning that I haven’t taken anymore – seems better to let the cold drain.
I started my at-home sick day with a big bowl of cereal. Somewhere in the afternoon, I polished off the malted milk balls. I was pretty good at staying away from snacks during the day, but I did eat three of the stuffed dates (tho only one is depicted). They’re Mollie Katzen’s recipe – an almond inside and coconut with fennel seeds. Mollie says to roll the dates in the coconut mix, and I don’t know what kind of dates she uses, but no way that stuff was going to stick to the big Medjools I had – so I opened up the pitted dates and stuck the coconut to the sticky insides, popped in the almond and closed them up.
Around 6:00 p.m. I sent Mark & Joelle off to the symphony and dinner downtown, and they also got to see a bit of the 1-year anniversary, recall Walker rally (although one of my facebook friends was complaining about why is there both a Friday night AND a Saturday rally?! and she has a point …), including Fireman Irish pipers, coming into the pub. I took a shower and settled in on the couch and had Indian leftovers and watched the first two episodes of the season of Downton Abby on DVD – Indian food seemed appropriate because India was still part of the Empire in 1912. And, since of course Walgreens had all the Easter candy in stock when I visited for cold meds, I had peeps for dessert.
And for Saturday breakfast I had toad in hole eggs & toast & two sausages – Mark & I went out and did all our Saturday a.m. errands on foot, including new glasses for me and new running shoes for him – so I didn’t have breakfast until noon, and was really, really hungry. And, I think this is quite enough of the recording of what I’ve eaten – I’ll go back to shooting what I’ve cooked, instead.
- Corn chex & cheerios & skim milk
- Banana with peanut butter
- Stuffed date
- Vegetarian Indian dinner
- Peeps
- Saturday breakfast - toad in the hole egg & sausages,