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Out on a Monday, oh my

Last night Robyn Hitchcock played the High Noon Saloon here in Madison. Which meant I was out on a Monday night. A frigid Monday night. But it was all pretty civilized – we had a table up close, and Robyn ad his sidekick Emma both said the place was far too clean and smoke free to really be called a saloon.

Here’s the set list.

Tuesday I was in no hurry to get to work. My first meeting of the day was not until 10:00, and I had an online class meeting at 8:00 PM, so I thought I should be leisurely. Plus I’d been out on a Monday night – until 10:30, a seeming late hour for us old folks and Midwesterners.

Walking home I was struck how dirty and old and frozen the snow is getting.


Good thing the 60% chance of total daytime accumulation of less than 1/2 an inch on Wednesday turned into to more like an inch and a half.

I raided the vegetable bin, and came up with an onion, a few stalks of celery, a carrot, and about 1/4 a bunch of parsley, and turned it all into a pilaf, with rice, a few handfuls of whole wheat pasta, and the last hunks of Saturday pot roast. I had cooked the pot roast in pureed roasted red peppers and veggie broth with a few whole cloves of garlic tossed in. I carefully strained this juice through a slotted spoon to get the fat and whole garlics out, but not lose too much of the puree, and used it as the liquid in the pilaf. Put it in the oven to cook while I went out and shoveled. The snow had been walked on by too many people, so shoveling the sidewalk wasn’t much fun, the snow wasn’t coming off, but Megan got back in time to help with driveway and it went quick after that. Got back inside and the rice still needed 10 more minutes or so to cook.
