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Yesterday I got home from work a little early, and decided to do some cooking. Sometimes when you try to do too much …. I tried this Chez Pim pie crust for a cherry pie with the cherries we brought back from our Washington Island trip. And I read “8 oz. butter” as one stick – thinking 8 tablespoons, I guess. And I wondered why the crust seemed so dry ….  I tasted a piece, baked as a pie crust cookie with cimmy sugar, and it was fine – but not significantly better than my standard. Guess now I know why.

I also made a round challah for Rosh Hashanah – or could’ve been shabat, since it was Friday night. On tasting it today, it seems a little dry – I think I overbaked it a bit. Sigh.  But it will be good for grilled cheese sandwiches or French toast – maybe my new favorite grilled cheese – sharp cheddar with American Spoon tomato jamHey David – your sister eats cheese sandwiches with jam, too.

I made stir fry beef and separate veggies with tofu, and rice cooked in my own home made veggie broth for supper – that was all good. And I blanched and skinned and bagged and froze 1/3 of my 25-pound CSA box of tomatoes, and right before I went to bed, I put in another 1/3 to slow roast. They came out fine, too – this is an earlier batch, but these looked a lot the same.

So now I guess I’ll just have to try that crust again, I want to make tomato tart with some of that last 1/3 of the tomatoes, and I also have leeks for a leek tart this week. I have brunch tomorrow, but I’m making potato pancakes, not pies, and they’re gonna be potato-carrot, not zucchini. At the farmers’ market this morning, I concluded that zucchini vines must die off from frost sooner than the cucumbers because everyone had cukes, and no one had zucchini. I also just decided, whil riding my bike back from the library, that grated carrot in the cakes would be better than grated butternut squash – because raw grated carrot is a lot tastier than underdone squash.