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Oh, just FML

I decided to work at home today, and the workers in the mudhole that is my street are right under my window … this is after having to remove a drowned centipede from the cats’ water bowl, clean up the litter box after one of them pooped over the side, and clean up the other one’s puke, twice. This is the white one that rushes downstairs and eats too fast. Often I let the self cleaning feature kick in – that is, if I don’t clean up the puke right away the black one eats it, but didn’t have the stomach (ha) for that this morning.

I tried to update my post for a Dinner at DebS event from my iPhone, while I was still in bed, and deleted the form to sign up part of it. I think I have it all back now. Don’t even get me started on the problems of trying to post the event on Facebook, and choose photos that I own copyright to …

All before 8:00 AM.

And I still need to do the fluff cat’s litter and feed her.

And oh, right, I’m supposed to be working. Sigh. But it’s not 9:00 yet, so I can indulge. Haven’t brushed my teeth yet, either, is that TMI?

And, it’s official, I totally miss the supper club. Yesterday, somebody asked me if they could rent the space, and it got me all nostalgic. Now that the seasons are changing, I miss thinking about menus, planning menus, buying the food, COOKING.

Oh well, off to work I go – here’s some calorie-free birthday cake, that I made for myself in 2011, that is also a supper club website banner image.


And, jeez – it continues – I went down to wash my face & brush my teeth, and was feeling sorry for myself because the soap squirted out of my hands, and I bumped my head on the sink when I retrieved it. But when I got back upstairs it was worse. I always put my drinks on the printer stand instead of the computer table when I work at home, but somehow, today, I left my coffee and my water on the computer table – and fluff cat splashed water all over. Fortunately(??!!) my new Learning Responsive Web Design book made a dam, and the laptop was spared.

Learning Responsive Web design, interleaved for drying. I guess I learned some stuff in my preservation courses in library school. It's only paper towel, and will leave a crinkle pattern on the pages, but at least I'll be able to read them.

Learning Responsive Web design, interleaved for drying. I guess I learned some stuff in my preservation courses in library school. It’s only paper towel, and will leave a crinkle pattern on the pages, but at least I’ll be able to read them.

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