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Continuing on the theme of being not just busy busy, but stupid busy this fall, I am on day 2 of advising week, 34 30-minute appointments scheduled to discuss grad students in the Library & Info Studies program’s spring 2014 course selections. And how they’re doing in their program, in general.

They’re mostly good students, so despite my horrific looking calendar, below, it’s actually kind of fun to have the chance to chat with all of them. And, I also really like the opportunity to switch to the advisor role, rather than the teacher, sometimes. It’s an easier relationship – when I am the teacher, I grade them, and they’re afraid of me. I’m “what does she want?” on this assignment, so I’ll give them the A they want. When I’m the advisor, I’m trying to help them, so it’s just nicer.

Advising week iCal

Advising week iCal

What does suck, though is getting anything else done this week, even when I have gaps between appointments. I was determined to work on my ISAS class paper Tuesday in that two hour gap, but I somehow found other things to fill the time – like endless emails, and reading resumes and CVs for a hiring committee that I’m on, and checking in with the students in the two classes I am teaching and, and, and …

Tuesday evening we hosted 6 students for one of the WASB Dinners on WI – I’ve done this a bunch before: 2011, 20112010 – I’m sure there are more; watch for more links as I trawl my blogs. Yes, here’s April 2006, November 2006, March 2007 that cancelled, April 2008April 2009. This time I made a big pot of squash and black been chili (with pinto beans), and had REAP Pie Palooza leftover lettuce for a big salad, Ovens Bailey’s corn-oat muffins, chips, and more Pie Palooza leftovers – Willy Street Co-op pumpkin pie, for dessert.   This was a particularly talkative group, more nice kids, like my grad students, so even though Mark and Toni and Rach all helped, I wasn’t finished doing the dishes until somewheres around 9:45. So naturally I did not work on ISAS class – I watched last Sunday’s Boardwalk Empire on cable, and then went to bed.

And of course, due to busy-ness – Started on Tuesday, finished on Wednesday.