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I feel like I didn’t have much of a weekend, because I worked a lot. But I did some fun stuff, I guess. The theme for the weekend seems to have been feeling a bit sorry for myself, and eating too much.

On Saturday there was Grillin’ for Peace. Before heading out to grill, I tried to do a little work. Somebody sent me a slide (Mac Keynote format) that I needed to transfer to a power point, and that turned into an odyssey of updating the OS X on my work computer to Yosemite, and getting the new Keynote. Of course Yosemite bleeped out the java version my older Photoshop needs to run, so I had to re-install that too. I left my computer updating; when I got home from Grilling the giant 5-gig download was done, and I set it to install. Graded a few students on my home computer downstairs.

We went to see Boyhood at the cheap theater – it was as good as all my film buff friends were saying.

Came home, checked in on the computer, and we had leftover Mac & Cheese and pasta and a salad for supper. I can’t remember if it was Friday (after a dinner of egg salad sandwiches and chips and onion dip and salsa and carrots and celery) that I indulged in ice cream and chocolate sauce, too late at night, on top of the crumbled up Hootie bars that came back from Chicago, another Super Bowl-party-that-wasn’t-leftover – or if that was Saturday. Somehow I thought I’d fit in a walk, amidst all that on Saturday, but no.

Sunday started a little off – I tried to walk and got scared back in because it was icy. Feeling guilty, I cleaned all the cat boxes and put down new newspaper, and did laundry. I made fancy steel cut oats for breakfast, and then just worked all day.

Mark and I finished the Hootie bars with ice cream and chocolate sauce for Downton Abbey and the Grammy’s – but I ate all kinds of other junk too – finished the onion dip, with sweet potato chips, wheat thins with egg salad, and a Trader Schmoe’s chocolate covered marshmallow or two … feeling sorry for myself, so eating to make up. The TV kept freezing, and I couldn’t even go to a web page on my phone. Missed Annie Lennox at the Grammy’s and everyone on my Facebook & Twitter said she was the best. So I watched her on my phone on Monday morning while I drank my coffee. I did a 10 minute Barre 3 workout and walked to campus – more exercise by 9:00 AM Monday than the whole weekend.

I never got around to testing the burner from CSA Fair Share to see if it works, and I never bought light bulbs. And I never made veggie broth. I remedied two out of three Monday night. The burner doesn’t work – it started getting hot, but then just tripped the outlets in my kitchen. I’ll have to use my almost as old as me Farberware electric Dutch oven for the soup cooking demo at the garden Expo this Saturday. And I made veggie broth and vegetable soup. The broth had a whole host of vegetables past their prime – parsley and cilantro (the giant bunch I brought back from Chicago) and carrot & celery sticks, and a sprouty potato. I used some of the same for the soup – the better parts – onion, carrots, celery, parsley and cilantro, peeled and trimmed potato, a few lentils, a spoonful of miso, and most of a carton of diced tomatoes frozen last summer – the rest went into the broth. The miso and lentils made the soup rich and brown.

Think it’s time to shower and get in pajamas and figure out how to re-watch Downton on Apple TV – we missed dog butt last night because of the freezing.

Bottom of the vegetable bin soup, with lentils

Bottom of the vegetable bin soup, with lentils