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I just want to eat chocolate and watch TV

I did two half sick, half work at home days this week – Tuesday and Wednesday. I thought the fluffy cat would be happy that I was home, but she pretty much ignored me.

On Tuesday I made oatmeal bread. I pretty much stayed indoors and worked, but took it easy, except for a quick bike ride downtown to get my laptop. We had bread and vegetable barley soup for dinner. At about 9:00 I collapsed on the couch, with a quilt and a cat on top of me, and cruised through the channels to find something I could watch that I didn’t care if I fell asleep. Which turned out to be Beautiful Creatures, a movie from last year with a lot of good actors that seems to have been something of a disappointment. Perfect for sleeping to.

When I got off the couch at 11:00 to go to bed, my head was just stabbing. I decided to stay home again on Wednesday. Again, I worked at an easy pace, and my big outing was a little walk to Whole Foods to get cold sore ointment – because my lips were just erupting. But I could tell I was getting better. When I ate breakfast, I could taste again, and when I got the clean sheets out of the drier I could smell them.

Thursday I went back to work, and I think that’s why all I want to do is lie on the couch. But i just remembered that I need to download and sort the spread sheet if conference proposals – Aauugghh – need more chocolate for that for sure.