On Tuesday there was one box of cookies in the vestibule, the Joy of Cooking Lebkuchen, a cookie that’s supposed to improve with age.

I put a slice of lemon in the container to keep them moist. Usually it’s apple, but lemon seemed a good idea in this case
Wednesday night I made the jam cookies, and I thought I had six trays … obviously can’t count, since there were seven, although one tray is actually a small ceramic dish that only has a dozen in it.
Yesterday I drove to work, so that I could make it from a meeting that concluded at 4:20, to pick up my two giant Tipi produce winter share boxes, and then home in time to login for class at 5:30. I made it, but the jam cookies were setting in the sunroom where my computer is, with the heat vent closed, so I quick transferred all seven trays to the vestibule, and opened the heat vent. Then I stashed the Tipi box that had the green vegetables, the one where I could see kale peeking out, in the vestibule, closed it up, and had class. After, I wrapped all the jam cookies, and froze them, and put the produce away. It’s going to be a trick to get all the Thanksgiving food and cookie ingredients stored away, but it’s one I’ve pulled off other years.
Then I made the Biberli, as I told Megan, the pornographic ones, because the name means “little beavers“. They’re one I struggle with every year – too big, too small, too soft, too hard … I think I got a good mix this year – a few are too big, but none seemed too hard – I didn’t even put an apple (or lemon) slice in the container to soften them, although I may do that later.
And speaking of the vestibule – after years of complaining that omigod it’s 50° (or 60°) in effing December, NOT good weather for cookie storage, this morning it was 3° in effing November, not so good for walking, but certainly good for cookies. And squash, that’s also out there.