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Had to be done

So this morning we slept in. It’s still black dark at 7:00 AM – can’t wait for daylight savings to end, but I guess it’s only another week.

I thought I’d be able to get a little work in before breakfast but by the time I fed the cats, and brought in the newspapers, and put clean the dishes away, and dusted the upper moldings in the kitchen, and got dressed, it was 20 of 10:00. So I figured I might as well undertake some cooking projects and run that into brunch.

I made morning glory muffins – they have apple and carrot and coconut and often pineapple, and sometimes nuts – I used yellow raisons.

Morning Glory Muffins

Morning Glory Muffins

And vegetable broth, using up all the herbs I had – thyme and rosemary and cilantro, and lots of celery. The kitchen, the whole first floor really, smells kind of Thanksgiving-y. I just had to change out of the raggy old cooking-in sweatshirt I was wearing, into a different raggy old cooking-in fleece, because the sweatshirt smelled too much like veggie broth.

And chunky tomato sauce with thyme and white wine, that I usually use in the squash casserole that I always make in September. Not sure what I’m going to use this batch for, although I do have a nice big butternut, from last week’s market. I made the smaller one from CSA box into chili on Saturday.

One tart

Last year, I even made the casserole into a tart

For breakfast we had the muffins, and scrambled eggs, and potatoes with rosemary & garlic, and bacon. And toast.

Potatoes with rosemary & garlic - small pan for two people

Potatoes with rosemary & garlic – small pan for two people

I started work at about 1:00, and got through most of my to-dos, mainly grading students’ websites. I’m going to leave the conference program time-slots until tomorrow. Although, it’s advising week so doubtful I will get much done in between appointments.

I watched Death Comes to Pemberly – now time for the grand finale of Boardwalk Empire. Maybe I’ll even read some of the Sunday NYT. I guess It has been a fairly successful weekend.