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Grillin for Peace 2014

The annual Grillin’ for Peace was Feb 1, 2014. It was a bittersweet celebration this year, because the founder, Tom Barry, died last summer. Sadly, and too soon – he was almost 5 years younger than me.

But the event went forward, in its usual weird WI way.

Grillin for Peace 2014 from Debra Shapiro on Vimeo.

I just grilled brats this year, and some hot dogs and sweet potatoes that Nichole Fromme of Eating in Madison A-Z fame, brought. She & hubby JM were researching the Grillin for some new project, she said, and had come grill-less with food to cook on somebody else’s grill. That turned out to be mine.


I made super bowl snacks on Sunday evening: weinies in blankets (home made yeasted pastry dough, not poppin’), pimento cheese & ritzes, and pizza pockets (shoulda drained the sausage after I browned it; they were greasy but good). The after dark pictures all looked so awful that I’m not posting them. Kind of along the lines of what a weird super bowl it was. We bailed during those last three minutes when no one wanted to play anymore and watched Downton Abbey. And how much did they pay Zimmie to do that Chrysler-made-America ad, and oh by the way it’s Fiat-Chrysler now??!

In the morning I made these cimmy buns for brunch – 2 sticks of butter and half a block of cream cheese in 8 rolls – Yum!