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From Sunday to Sunday




Trying to remember my week. Monday I worked at home, and spent a lot of time going back & forth between my desktop computer – for personal stuff – and my laptop – for work stuff – and being hopelessly intermingled most of the time. I took a break and did a little grocery shopping, since we hadn’t gotten back from Minneapolis until about 10 the night before. I think Monday was the night I made tofu-topped sesame peanut noodles, and mustard greens with bacon – mixing up southern US and Chinese traditions – or maybe that was Tuesday. Either Monday or Tuesday, I made a black bean and tomato and cheese and corn tortilla casserole from the new Martha Everyday Food insert that came with Martha Stewart Living – it was pretty bland. We ate half of it and I chucked the rest on trash day. I also ordered a new shower head for the downstairs bathroom, and both the $69.99 OXO mandoline from Amazon AND the $99.95 one from Crate & Barrel, so I could decide which one to keep, and return the other.

The white cat had been acting a little weird, not eating right – instead of gobbling up her food as fast as she could, she’d take a few bites then go sit on a box and let the black one eat it all. By Wednesday, it’d been going on for long enough that I felt like I had to call the vet. Turned out that my regular, house call vet was at a conference all week – so I called the close by vet, where Mark’s new kitty just happened to be already, getting spayed & de-clawed. They said I could bring the white cat in at 4:00. That afternoon, while I was driving to to the vet, my phone rang and it was John, sounding really shocky, saying, “Mom, I fell running and I think I really fucked up my foot”. $255 and multiple texts to John later, the vet determined that the cat needed a kitty dental, and she should come back on Friday for that. John had some kind of fibia fracture, but the urgent care he went to in Milwaukee treated him like crap and it took until almost noon on Thursday to get it all figured out. He comes to Madison next week to see an orthopedist here, and [we fervently hope] get a walking cast.

I paid up and went home and had time to make ribs and oven french fries and corn – Mark brought home some of the Alsum frozen corn from the Saturday indoor farmers market.

On Thursday I waited at home till 8:00 a.m. to meet with the landscapers, to set up some kind of reasonable contract for this summer, so I don’t get any shocking bills like last year. And texted with John and called the health insurance. Headed in to work, and got back home in time to have a nice breakfast at 3:00 – eggs and leftover oven fries and a bagel with muenster cheese – and then online class at 7:30.

Friday morning shoveled out the snow, took the cat to the vet, and went to work. This time it was a mere $439 for the cat – in addition to the dental, she has an ear infection, and she came home with four different medications I have been abusing her with – syringes of some kind of numbing stuff for the gum pain after the dental; 2 syringes of a good-tasting additional medication for pain (Mark’s cat got it too, it smells like honey and knocks them out); and an antibiotic, and a topical for the ear infection – drops I have to put in her ears. Jeez.

I made spinach cheese pie and took it to Susan & Carl’s and we ate and then walked to the Barrymore to see Hot Tuna.

On Saturday I made pulled pork and little buns and cole slaw for dinner. I also opened up both mandolines, and decided to keep the cheap one. I need some new rugs for School Woods, so I ordered those from Crate and Barrel, and should get a few dollars back on my card after I return the mandoline.

Today I got to walk with Rach for the first time in a while – it’s been freezing rain and icy sidewalks and she’s been out of town. Then we brunched on the above chocolate chip scones and and a cheese and scallion omelette and bacon. I had to work for a few hours, then later I made chili and some peanut butter cookies. I canceled the dinner at School Woods – only one person had signed up. Kanari and Mark went to Tegan and Sarah – not my thing, so even though there’s not dinner, I didn’t go along. Al & I watched Shameless and I’m about to go watch Girls. Enjoying my quiet night at home, although there are still a lot of dishes in the sink. And I didn’t get my March & April calendar together. Oh well, I guess there’s always tomorrow.

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