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Father’s day cooking

Mark wanted waffles for father’s day; his mom’s sour cream ones, that I made with strained yogurt. Rach bought some of this Wallaby nonfat Greek yogurt last time she was here, and even though I usually don’t like 0% fat, this was really nice and creamy. I looked for it at the co-op and they only had whole milk in plain, so I got that – and it was really runny. So I strained it. An impressive amount of whey drained out in just a few hours. We ate the waffles with bacon and strawberries.

Tipi Produce strawberries

Tipi Produce strawberries

Tipi strawberries in a bowl at Sunday breakfast

Tipi strawberries in a bowl at Sunday breakfast

We saw Steve at BDDS on Saturday night, and when I said Mark was getting waffles for Dad’s day, Steve said he probably wouldn’t have time for breakfast, because he was running sound for the Make Music Madison musicians who were playing on the Chocolate Shop corner. I had two bunches of rhubarb from the Saturday market, so I made a batch of my Better than Stella’s muffins. (And more rhubarb purée) Took them along when we biked over to see Clocks in Motion, and one of Daithi’s bands – The Currach. I left one especially nice looking muffin at home, for Mark to take to Chicago – good thing, because all the rest were eaten. 

We biked back home, and Mark went for a walk. I cleaned up the kitchen, fortifying myself with a waffle wrapped around the last two strips of bacon. The salt in the bacon tasted just right after the sweaty bike ride. Then I spent a couple of hours working, reading journals from students in my online class. 

I took Mark to the bus to Chicago, then made Veganomicon oatmeal cookies for the family who will taking care of the cats for half the time while we’re gone. They had a new baby in December, and when they came for dinner in February, the mom was off dairy, egg, soy, and tomato – hence the vegan cookies with made with coconut milk (recipe says rice or soy) – she should be able to eat these, and anyways, they’re good. 


Vegan oatmeal cookies – with currants – I was trying to make them small for the kids; could be a little smaller, but I think they will do

I made zucchini butter, thinking I’d have some on toast for dinner – but I ate some salad instead, with the roasted potatoes & sugarsnap peas. Guess I’ll have zucchini butter sammich for lunch tomorrow.


Zucchini butter cooking


Finished product packed in a French jam jar – minus a little container to take to work for lunch

OK, I think it’s time to clean up the kitchen yet one more time, shower, and watch some Sunday TV. I think I might like Tim Robbins new show.