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End of the Apples

Man, I miss apples. Seems like forever since I’ve had a good one. During our weird hot snap in March 2012, the trees bloomed and then they never set fruit. The 2012 apple crop was down about 50%.

Hardly any apples in the fall, and now that it’s spring, when the apples aren’t supposed to be any good, anyways, there’re no good apples to buy. I’ve tried the bagged and the bigger, loose ones from the co-op, organic apples grown in Washington, mostly – disappointing. I thought maybe the IN-organic ones from the commercial grocery’d be a touch better, because they turn (sell) faster – and, no. Have to resort to peeling them to make them edible at all, for my taste buds anyhow – the skins taste old and overwintered. I sure hope this year’s cool late spring is good for the trees.

From Clotilde, of Chocolate and Zucchini, I’ve learned that the French phrase for, “Well, it’s not the end of the world”, meant ironically, is “It’s the end of the beans”, la fin des haricots. I guess here in WI, it’s the end of the apples. Literally.

partly peeled grocery store apple

partly peeled grocery store apple