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Cookies Redux

For me the point of the cookies is giving them to people. Last year, I thought it was a good party, but a not so good cookie season, due to various fuck ups and mishaps – and cookies that just didn’t come out right. This year the fuck ups were even more profound, in terms of cookie technical problems, and the party was less well attended, but the ways that giving cookies to people have been thwarted is what hurts most.

I’ve already complained about all the kinds that were not right.

The next level of hell has been the shipping. I packed up 19 boxes and scheduled a pick up at my house, and came home to find all the boxes still there on Tuesday night. We took them out to the post office ad shoved them in the drop at about 9:00 PM. Then I still suffered heart attacks all day Wednesday, because when I tracked the packages, there was no progress – all I got was “the post office has received your pre-delivery information”, that’s what I sent when I bought the labels on Monday. Finally on Thursday, I started getting some info, and on Friday and Saturday people finally started getting their boxes. And some people wont get their until Monday. Essentially, I paid roughly $15 / box for 2-day shipping, that took a week.

On Saturday morning, I dropped off a big foil pan of cookies for the homeless, and, even though I had set up the drop by email, and there were cars in the driveway, I just had to abandon it like a baby on the doorstep.

And finally, one package is coming back:
