Last night Mark & I had the “washer’s unbalanced” argument again. When I hear it thudding in the basement, I always run down and rearrange the clothes in the washer tub to get it spinning straight again, but he contends that it should be left alone, and will right itself. “If it’s really outta whack, the buzzer will go off and it’ll stop,” he says. “Yea, right,” I says.
Unfortunately, he also had to tack on, “You don’t know anything about mechanics, Sweetie”, and I got mad and couldn’t just let it drop. Which made things even more unsatisfying for me, because he basically allowed as how I might know something about the washer I’ve been using for 25 years, but was just tired of me claiming expertise about things of which I know nothing … Real show stopper there – not at all how I think of myself. Who does he think he’s been living with?
Shoulda let him break the f**ing washer, anyways, so’s I can get one like this.
Kitchenaid Affinity Washer-Dryer – like my brother has