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Advising week

It’s still “unseasonably warm” here is WI – it was 81° today, ad it’s still in the high 60s at almost 10 p.m. In the morning, Rach and I walked, and because I thought my first advising appointment was by Skype, I figured I’d just do it at home. But when I got on and looked for the student, I couldn’t find her, and when I checked the sign up sheet there was a phone number instead. Turned out, though, that she had originally signed up for Skye, but the wifi at her house had been wonky, so she changed it. And the advising by phone, with my iPhone on speaker and her student record on the computer screen, turned out to be quite effective. Afterwards, I was feeling pretty smug – I’m so on top of it, still in my walking clothes, catching up on email. At 10:21 I checked my calendar and my next advising was at my office at 10:30, NOT the 11:00 I remembered. So I threw on clothes and jumped on my bike and was only about 7 minutes late – 2 minutes after the student gave up and took off. But she came back 15 minutes later, so all was well.

After another advising appointment and a bunch of email and a meeting, and because I hadn’t had time to pack any food, I decided to come back home and work – pretty productive. I knocked off at 6:00, and biked to the grocery store. Came back and made lemon meringue pie – which came out awfully flat – I suppose it should be an 8-inch pan and I used 9 inch, and a little burnt. And a big hunk of crust broke off the side, and there’s actually a crack in the bottom, and I suspect lemon filling seeped out into the bottom of the pan. I like in one of Nigel Slater’s recipes, for a lime tart, he cautions to make very sure the crust – pastry case, in British – has no cracks or the filling will escape, guaranteed – and, in loose bottom tart tin, it’ll be much messier. But I don’t think we can eat the pie until it chills over night, so I had cocoa puffs for my dessert. And I baked a loaf of bread – I did a boule, with the baguette dough – it came out a little better looking than the pie.

I decided to eat a small slice of the still runny pie with the TV weather. And, even though I discovered my bike headlight wasn’t working on my way back home from the grocery store, and had to struggle the thing off my handlebars to bring it into the house to diagnose – the giant package of Costco batteries I got last week are the right size. So maybe I’m not such a mess afterall.