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A just about perfect summer Monday dinner

First thing this morning I drove out to the clinic out by West Towne with the urgent care that opens early, to get stuck for my thyroid pill blood test, and on the radio they were saying it was going to be the hottest, humidest day of the summer.  By the time I got home from work, it was 80° inside so I turned on the AC.

We ate leftover zucchini casserole, leftover stuffed squash, and cucumber tomato salad for dinner, with long rise no-knead bread to soak up the juices – everything either microwaveable or cold.

Leftover Zucchini Casserole

Leftover Zucchini Casserole

Tomato Cucumber salad

Tomato Cucumber Salad

I read a couple of people’s tomato-cucumber-salad recipes, and here’s what I came up with. Peel, seed and slice one medium to large cucumber – I had a medium one plus a hunk of another. Core and cut 3 slicing tomatoes into chunks – I like to cut them in half, then wedges, then cut the wedges each in half. A few very thin slices of sweet onion – I had Walla Walla from my CSA box – that’s where I got the cukes too. Whisk together 2 teaspoons sugar, a spoonful of Dijon mustard, 2 TBLS red wine vinegar, and 3 TBLS olive oil, and pour it over the salad. Grind in kind of a lot of pepper, and a few good pinches of kosher salt, and toss it all together. We ate it on a bed of argula, and bread was definitely called for for the juice.

The played this Beck song over the closing credits of True Blood last night; I had to listen to it with Roky Erickson’s Starry Eyes – Sorry eyes, Starry eyes. Got both in my iTunes now.