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Slow start

Tonight the trouble began when I couldn’t find the anise extract that I bought on Monday morning. To make it even more irritating, the receipt was still in the bag with the extra flour also acquired on that shopping trip, and the anise extract was clearly listed there – and it cost $4.33, so on the expensive side for disappearing before I could use it. Or maybe it was when I broke the 8-cup glass pitcher measure that I inherited from my mom’s kitchen. I never used it, only moved it out of the way in one of my more over-stuffed cabinets to get at other stuff, and tonight it just fell out and smashed.

I guess cookie season is just getting off to a slow start. Tonight I had a meeting, so didn’t start in with cookie production until 8:00, and all that I accomplished was the springerle. I used Sambucca to eke out the scant teaspoon of Anise extract in my old bottle. And, even though I have much better molds now, one my last year’s Xmas present from my brother, the designs I pressed into the cookies are only a fraction less ghostly than they were last year.

There are 4 cookie kinds out in the vestibule, and the jam cookies are safe in the freezer. I guess I’m doing OK, but I seem to have more interruptions than usual – like the meeting tonight, tomorrow night Bill McKibben, Friday Madison Symphony. Not to mention the trip to Chicago the 7th, 8th and 9th. Agggh.

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