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A lot of people have been saying that 2011 was a sucky year. In the women’s bathroom at the co-op the other day, on the chalkboard provided for grafitti, it said, “good riddance to 2011” but underneath someone else had written, “never wish for time to go away – it’s all you’ve got”, and below that, another person, “my grand daughter was born this year”. Sounds like my brother is ranking 2011 right up there with his best years, 1987 – when he got married – a good one for me too, since my older son was born. And 1997, when his daughter was born.

For me, my main feeling about 2011 is that I’ve never been so busy at work, so more a grinding-down-too-busy-falling-behind year. And I know I should exercise more and I could be fitter and thinner and yadda yadda, but I guess I didn’t expect to see so many of the signs of aging in my own body when I’m only 56.

On the upside, I have been feeling better – especially in December. I got some yoga DVDs, and I’ve been doing Rodney Yee’s a.m. stretch. I think I’ve lost the easy first 5 pounds, so my face looks a little less jowly and old to me – at least in the right light. In the summer I rode my bike A LOT – not close to my bro’s 7000 miles, but I did almost all the grocery shopping by bike, as long as the weather held. And I’ve been walking a lot.

In fact, since I took a long walk this morning, and maybe I’ll do the p.m. yoga tonight, I think I’ll skip yoga and try to do a gallery of favorite food shots of the year – watch this space.

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