Aw shit man. Yesterday, Boxing Day, I had my yaxtrax on because I was planning on going for a walk, and I took a short detour to get something in the garage (there was random trash stuck to the bottom of the trash bin that I’d just wheeled down the driveway and I wanted to throw it away in the small trash can in the garage so I wouldn’t have to go into the house wearing the yaxtrax, plus there was a plastic bag stuck to the bottom of the bin and I needed some tool to get it out, if you must know) and on the smooth, smooth garage floor I fell. I kept my head up, and landed properly on my butt, but I must’ve stuck out my left arm. Said arm hit the garage floor thus breaking my wrist. In the first few moments of denial I managed to use a gardening fork to get the stuck plastic bag, throw away the rest of the trash, and wheel the garbage bin back where it belonged. Then I went inside, removed the yaxtrax, and called urgent care. Who gave me an appointment at 11:00, and it wasn’t even 9:00 am yet. I got my pack of frozen edamame that I use for icing and tried to settle in and wait but it hurt too much so I called the ask-a-nurse service and described what was happening and they said they recommended going to the ER.
At the ER, we got the last spot in the close visitor parking and didn’t have to wait too long – really the only people they took ahead of me were the person they thought might be having a stroke and the one having breathing problems. Everyone else seemed to have miscellaneous stomach pains and constipation and they had to wait. I had time to do the NYT connections puzzle – perfect score – and the Wordle – got it on my last chance.
By the time we got a room and I uncovered my arm that I’d had under ice packs the 6-foot tall magenta-haired nurse nurse who’d brought us back said, “it looks broken to me”.
So we were there from something like 10:00 until 1:30. I got x-rayed and they retracted my arm – hung it up with my fingers in these metal mesh holders that were just like the bamboo finger traps we tried to fool our friends with in middle school, but metal. And put me in a splint and x-rayed again to make sure everything was ok in the splint.
We came home and Mark went off for a walk and I settled in with the cats.
We had a mash up of leftovers for dinner, all things that were already cooked. Reheated pizza, tempeh barbecue sammiches, roasted broccoli, a few carrot sticks and some ranch dip, corn salsa & corn chips.
Today when I first got up I was kind of achy and just bummed at the limitations of one-handedness. I had to have Mark put the pony tail holder in my hair and tie my shoes but I did brush my hair myself and I got dressed, even the hooks on my bra. And we walked to Colectivo.

Broken wrist at Colectivo
We spent the rest of the afternoon, dreary and rainy, running car errands. Like going out to Social Security to see if we could appeal our Medicare premium bump up (probably not), donating stuff at St, Vinny’s, catfood, and finally groceries from the co-op.
We’re going out for dinner tonight, Graze. I’m so getting Tory Miller’s Raclette style potatoes.
And I still have a small pile of Xmas photos & stories including a quick trip to Chicago, to tell you about. I’ll get that soon. Pretty soon. Aw shit man.